Online Resilience - Download


Online Resilience - Download


So much of young people’s lives are online today that it makes sense to look at how they can stay safe online and look after their mental health. These 3 assemblies don’t criticise what young people do with their phones, they are designed to make us all think - about the good bits and not so good bits of of our online lives, phones and social media.

  • Helps to make young people aware of the risks of using online devices.

  • Helps to make young people aware of the gap between real life and what we see online sometimes.

  • Looks at why people post online.

  • Do we need online validation to be happy?

  • Helps to make young people aware of the risks of fake news and how to spot it by using real examples, students can see that the content we read on social media can often be made up by others to suit their agenda.

  • Shows that sharing and liking fake news does affect real people and has serious outcomes.

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